CoRE (Connected, Resilient, Engaged) is an innovative program for young people aged 15-17 who are disengaged from school, or engaging in risky or criminal behaviour.
The program aims to enhance student self-awareness and build their engagement with peers and community. The program builds on insights from our DASH and Blue EDGE programs which are found to improve resilience, foster positive relationships and community connection.
This school/community-based program is delivered over 9 weeks, facilitated by Blue Light Victoria with the involvement of community partners including police and emergency services staff who act as positive role models for the participants.
Using an engaging, active learning approach, each workshop tackles addressing anti-social behaviour, encouraging healthy and safe decision making, building personal resilience and improving connection with their local community.
The program concludes with a ‘Community Connection Day’, where students actively give back to the local community.
The program will be available in Bendigo, Latrobe and Melbourne in 2025.