Our DASH program provides dynamic activities, encourages active voices, develops safe communities, and delivers healthy engagement.

Led by our specialist facilitators we bring into this program our key partners, police and emergency services together with other local stakeholders to create connection, support and build understanding.

DASH is a fun and interactive 9-week program for classrooms of students in Years 5 and 6. It deepens community connections and belonging for young people, increasing their awareness of and trust in local services, supports and each other.

At the heart of DASH is the development of a student-led community project. This sees students, police, emergency services and other local stakeholders come together to raise awareness or resolve a local community concern.

What students have come up with has been awesome and has seen community projects covering everything from bushfire recovery, homelessness, community safety and mental health.

Check out some of our student-led projects below:

DASH gives young people a voice and our results show that this has a significant impact on wellbeing and connection for young people. This is particularly important in the years prior to secondary school transition and adolescent development.

The program adopts an experiential and inquiry-based approach to learning and aligns with the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA). It can be tailored to meet the needs of each school community.

DASH has been independently evaluated by the University of Melbourne. To read about its impact click here.

To learn more about how your school can access our DASH program complete the online enquiry form below.
Check out our DASH in action video:

Contact us today to find out more

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