Elissa Scott

Elissa was appointed CEO of Blue Light Victoria in 2021 and has a background in law and social work. She has over 25 years’ experience leading in educational, community and legal settings with a focus on young people.
Before Blue Light Victoria Elissa held Executive Leadership roles with the Magistrates Court of Victoria and Victoria Legal Aid as well as a number of board positions in local community.
Elissa has previously been appointed to the Suitability Panel by the Governor in Council. The panel was established to investigate allegations of physical and sexual abuse against a child or young person in out-of-home care.
Prior to embarking on a career in law, Elissa was a social worker specialising in mental health and young people.
She worked with Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, Department of Education and in the United Kingdom with Child and Family Services.
She has also been a keen volunteer for many years supporting young people through the delivery of adventure-based camping programs.
Elissa is passionate about creative and inclusive early intervention and prevention programs for young people. As well as establishing strong place-based community connections that can support these.

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