Volunteers have been at the centre of everything we do since 1976! There really is “something for everyone”!
National Volunteer Week is Australia’s largest annual celebration of volunteering. It’s an opportunity to showcase our wonderful volunteers and celebrate the diverse passions and talents they bring to our organisation.
This year’s theme is ‘Something for Everyone’ highlighting there’s a place for everyone in the world of volunteering. It’s an invitation to explore the diversity of opportunities available through volunteering.
We have a rich history collaborating with volunteers across local communities throughout Victoria.
It all started with the creation of a drug and alcohol-free disco for young people which encouraged positive youth engagement. The initiative was a tremendous success and quickly spread to many locations across Victoria, Australia and internationally. What started from humble beginnings became an iconic rite of passage cementing the ‘Blue Light Disco’ into Victorian history.
Shortly thereafter Blue Light Victoria was established as a not-for-profit organisation. This meant we had a growing need for volunteer and community support to help deliver discos and other youth engagement activities.
Volunteering support came in the form of dedicated police and community members establishing and leading Blue Light branches in metro and regional Victoria. They continue to deliver numerous activities for young people which include fitness and mentoring programs, sporting events, camps and of course discos. Today, we also run school-based programs with support from members of the community volunteering their time.
We take this opportunity to thank our volunteers, including Victoria Police & Emergency Services, and the many others who have helped build our organisation. Our collective contribution has made a difference, seeing positive outcomes for thousands of young people across Victoria.
If you are interested in volunteering with Blue Light Victoria, please contact us on email [email protected] or visit our Branches page to find out more.