Alpine Blue Light

Alpine Blue Light was established September 2000 and is led by a group of dedicated volunteers including Victoria Police members.  Alpine Blue Light stage community events including Blue Light discos within their region.

Blue Light Discos are supervised by local Victoria Police members and held at Community venue in the Alpine district. They provide an opportunity for local police and community members to work collaboratively together to host a fun experience for young people in a safe environment.  They also stage several community events at the Mount Beauty Swimming Pool.

Our Blue Light branches are situated across Victoria and rely on the support of volunteers to help stage their events and activities.  Quite simply we couldn’t do what we do within local communities without volunteer support.
Blue Light branches have a range of volunteer opportunities support our events and activities which create and promote positive experiences for young people.  Should you decide to volunteer for a Blue Light branch it will be essential for us to carefully screen all volunteers to ensure we adhere to Victorian Government Child Safety policy.
  • A current Working With Children Check (WWC)
  • A National Police Check
  • Will need to sign an agreement acknowledging that you understand our Code of Conduct for Working with Children
  • Have read and understood the Blue Light Victoria Child Safety Policy

Ways to support

Get involved! By supporting Blue Light Victoria, you are giving the gift of confidence, connection and learning to young people in need.

Contact us

Interested in supporting Blue Light Victoria? Whether it’s by making a general inquiry, exploring program options for your school or community organisation, or learning about volunteer opportunities, feel free to reach out to us!

Join our community and let us keep you informed on how we are empowering young people to be their best self.

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