Our humble beginnings

Blue Light Victoria was established in 1976 by Victoria Police.

Police members from the eastern Melbourne suburb of Mooroolbark set about designing and delivering a drug and alcohol-free disco for young people.

The events were safe, supervised, and encouraged positive engagement with police in local communities.

Popularity grew from this first disco, quickly spreading to multiple locations across Victoria with thousands of young people attending each year.

So, what started from humble beginnings became an iconic; rite of passage for many young people cementing the ‘Blue Light Disco’ into Victorian history.

The then Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police
Mr Sinclair ‘Mick’ Miller AO LVO QPM, strongly endorsed the value of this approach. ‘Blue Light Victoria’ was then established as a not-for-profit organisation and registered charity.

Victoria Police provided resources to ensure the continuation and expansion of Blue Light Victoria’s youth engagement approaches. This included the Blue Light Disco, from inception in 1976 through to 2014.

They remain proud partners of Blue Light Victoria providing police members to support the delivery of Blue EDGE and DASH programs. Both evidence-based programs for young people designed to increase engagement, resilience, and wellbeing.

Victoria police members still volunteer to support our branch network across metropolitan, regional, and rural areas of Victoria, often as local committee chairs and members.

Our branch network continues to deliver Blue Light Discos, mentoring, sporting and other youth engagement activities. All activities fostering connection to peers and community in a safe environment.

Blue Light Victoria look’s

to the future

Today, Blue Light Victoria operates from its head office in Melbourne and has wide-ranging partners and community stakeholders. These include Victoria Police and other emergency services organisations, with which we collaborate to deliver our programs and initiatives. Our dedicated team includes specialist facilitators delivering programs throughout Victoria.

We offer school and community-based programs including Blue EDGE and DASH which include vulnerable young people or those at-risk of disengaging. Our programs are evidence-based and designed to Educate, Develop, Grow and Empower young people using interactive and activity-based learning.

Blue Light Victoria has 19 branches throughout the state, which are overseen by dedicated volunteers including Victoria Police Members. Branches deliver interactive youth engagement events and activities, Blue Light Discos are also held by branches across metropolitan, regional, and rural Victoria.

Chief Commissioner Shane Patton APM, is the Patron of Blue Light Victoria and has immense pride in the work of Blue Light Victoria in support of young people who are at risk of disengaging from school, their communities or family networks.

Blue Light Victoria relies on a range of funding sources including federal and state Government grants, philanthropic grants, community fundraising, corporate partnerships, sponsorship, and fee- for-service initiatives.

Contact us today to find out more

Ways to support

Get involved! By supporting Blue Light Victoria, you are giving the gift of confidence, connection and learning to young people in need.

Join our community and let us keep you informed on how we are empowering young people to be their best self.

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