2024-2027 Blue Light Victoria Strategy

Blue Light Victoria is pleased to launch our new Strategy 2024-27. This Strategy provides a road map of where we will focus our efforts over the next three years.

Our 2024 – 2027 Strategy outlines how we are intending to work towards inspiring, engaging and equipping young people to be their best self.

To help inform this strategy, we undertook a comprehensive environmental scan, including desktop research and consultations. This scan sought to understand key issues, trends or events that may impact BLV’s future focus, such as socio-cultural factors affecting young people and their communities, political and economic influences and changes to the legal context in which we operate. 

We have identified 32 priorities across our three Strategic Pillars for the next three years. These priority areas will guide our efforts as we work towards achieving long-term outcomes.

Our Strategic Pillars

We aspire to make a genuine and positive impact with young people through our commitment to innovation and adaptability.

We will position ourselves as trusted leaders, generating new insights and championing best practices for working with young people.

We will continue to build an organisation that proactively cultivates effective, safe, scalable, and innovative growth alongside long-term financial security.

To read our 2024-2027 Strategy, click here.

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Ways to support

Get involved! By supporting Blue Light Victoria, you are giving the gift of confidence, connection and learning to young people in need.